Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


We hope that our website is informative and helpful. If you have a question that you can’t find an answer to, please call (601) 964-3235 and we would love to help you find an answer.

Mission & Vision


Our mission is to empower all scholars to achieve their potential through acceptance, trust, and a high standard of excellence.



We envision becoming a high performing school by fostering a learning environment that maximizes the capacity of all students, faculty, and stakeholders through reflective practice.

Numbers to Call

Who You Going to Call?

Q. I need to call in an absence for my sick child.

A. Call the attendance office at (601) 964-3235.

Q. I would like to volunteer as a mentor.

A. Call (601) 964-3235 and speak to .

Q. I would like to enroll at Perry Central High School.

A. Visit the Counseling Office or call  for more information.